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A rare Photo of The Fire Mummie/Ibaloi mummy -The National Museum of the Philippines recently returned the mummified and intricately tattooed body of Apo Annu, a tribal leader in the Benguet province (140 miles north of Manila) who died 500 years ago. His body had been stolen from a burial cave near the town of Natubling in the between 1918 and 1920. Museum curator Orlando Abinion said the mummy was stolen by a Christian pastor between 1918 and 1920 and wound up as part of a sideshow in a Manila circus; the mummy changed hands a number of times until 1984, when an antiques collector donated it to the National Museum. According to Reuters, Apo Annu was "heavily tattooed-the mark of hunters and warriors...and is covered with dried flesh, brownish in color. In a sitting position with arms held up to his face, Apo Annu looks like a man praying to the heavens." He was dressed in the clothes of a tribal chief before he was placed just in a wooden coffin inside his burial cave.
© Gunther Deichmann
Fire, Mummies, Mummie, National Museum, Philippines, tattooed, Ibaloi mummy, body, Apo Annu, Benguet, Mountain, Province, tribal, burial, cave, Natubling, culture, mummified, tattooed, wooden, coffin, rare, unique, northern, tribal chief, chief, dried, flesh, sitting, position, archaeology, warriors, hunter