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Prostration in Tibet is an important expression of devotion to Tibetan Buddhism. Prostrating is practicing one of Buddhism's three Jewels for Tibetan Buddhists. Tibetan pilgrims prostrate themselves by lying face-down on the ground and stretching out their arms and legs so as to earn merit.
Tibetan pilgrims always perform prostrations before monasteries in Tibet and before sacred images displayed on altars or when they enter and withdraw from a room. Some pilgrims from distant places in Tibet even prostrate themselves to their pilgrimage destination, like Lhasa and Mountain Kailash. They would spent several years making pilgrimages to Lhasa and other religious centers, covering the entire distance in a series of prostrations. Tibetan Buddhists also prostrate before their teachers.
Tibetans ideally are expected to prostrate themselves 100,000 times a year, which works out to almost 300 times a day, every day of the year. Not only do they prostrate themselves around temples they also do it on roads, streets and sidewalks. Some pilgrims cover the entire 33-mile route around Mount Kailash or travel from their hometowns to Lhasa, repeatedly prostrating themselves.
Tibetan pilgrims always perform prostrations before monasteries in Tibet and before sacred images displayed on altars or when they enter and withdraw from a room. Some pilgrims from distant places in Tibet even prostrate themselves to their pilgrimage destination, like Lhasa and Mountain Kailash. They would spent several years making pilgrimages to Lhasa and other religious centers, covering the entire distance in a series of prostrations. Tibetan Buddhists also prostrate before their teachers.
Tibetans ideally are expected to prostrate themselves 100,000 times a year, which works out to almost 300 times a day, every day of the year. Not only do they prostrate themselves around temples they also do it on roads, streets and sidewalks. Some pilgrims cover the entire 33-mile route around Mount Kailash or travel from their hometowns to Lhasa, repeatedly prostrating themselves.
© Gunther Deichmann